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Migrants bring Italy nearly as much money as Fiat – research - RT

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RTMigrants bring Italy nearly as much money as Fiat – researchRTCar maker Fiat, one of the country's biggest companies, generates around €136 billion each year. As of January 1, 2016, over 5 million foreigners resettled in Italy, which was around 8.3 percent of the total population. The Leone Moressa Foundation ...

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Detenido mientras intentaba robar un Fiat 600 - El Cordillerano

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Detenido mientras intentaba robar un Fiat 600El CordilleranoUn hombre de 19 años fue arrestado en horas de la madrugada por efectivos de la Comisaría 2° del Centro Cívico. Se encontraba en un Fiat 600 que habría sustraído en calle Elordi. El hecho tuvo lugar cerca de las 5 de la mañana, luego de que personal ...y más »

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Samsung y Fiat detienen negociaciones por el caso Galaxy Note 7 - Economí

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Economíahoy.mxSamsung y Fiat detienen negociaciones por el caso Galaxy Note 7Economíahoy.mxLas negociaciones entre Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV y Samsung Electronics sobre una posible asociación con su división de componentes para autos se han estancado, puesto que la empresa coreana se está centrando en resolver la crisis de su ...y más »

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Fiat Chrysler Launched Six-Week Social Media Campaign To Stay ... - iTech Post

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iTech PostFiat Chrysler Launched Six-Week Social Media Campaign To Stay ...iTech PostThe use of social media seems to be a good marketing campaign. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) is no exception. The multinational corporation has launched a six-week long social media campaign for its new Chrysler Pacifica model. FCA wants people to ...Fiat Chrysler targets kids though social media to sell minivanReutersIt's A Win-Win Move For Google And Fiat Chrysler Now That The ...Tech TimesFiat Chrysler turns to kids to sell Pacifica minivanThe Detroit Newslos 37 artículos informativos »

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Secuestran un Fiat Duna con el motor adulterado - Misiones Cuatro

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Misiones CuatroSecuestran un Fiat Duna con el motor adulteradoMisiones CuatroPUERTO RICO. Esta mañana, a las 09:00 horas, un vehículo Fiat Duna fue secuestrado en la Planta de Verificaciones de esa localidad, por presentar adulteración el en motor. José Antonio P. (44), se presentó a realizar la verificación tecina se su ...y más »

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Migrants nearly as valuable to Italian economy as Fiat - The Local Italy

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The Local ItalyMigrants nearly as valuable to Italian economy as FiatThe Local ItalyA new study reveals that foreign workers in Italy contribute almost as much to the national economy as Fiat - Italy's biggest car manufacturer and one of the country's largest companies. More than 5 million foreigners live in Italy, as of January 1st ...

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El sindicato canadiense y Fiat Chrysler llegan a un acuerdo para el ... -

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El sindicato canadiense y Fiat Chrysler llegan a un acuerdo para el ...Aguasdigital.comToronto (Canadá), 11 oct (EFE).- El sindicato canadiense Unifor y Fiat Chrysler (FCA) llegaron a un acuerdo para firmar un nuevo convenio colectivo que ...y más »

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Fiat Chrysler, Canadian Auto Workers Union Reach Tentative Deal - Wall Street Journal

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Wall Street JournalFiat Chrysler, Canadian Auto Workers Union Reach Tentative DealWall Street JournalFiat Chrysler also plans to spend $325 million to build a new paint shop at its assembly plant in Brampton, Ontario, committing to a much-needed upgrade that will help secure future work at the facility, the union said. “Our members in Brampton have ...Canada union says no agreement yet with Fiat ChryslerReutersFiat Chrysler Staves Off Strike in Tentative Deal with Canadian UnionFortuneFiat Chrysler's $325-million investment a major victory for Brampton ...The Globe and MailBusiness Insider -CBC.calos 147 artículos informativos »

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Fiat Chrysler targets kids though social media to sell minivan - Reuters

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ReutersFiat Chrysler targets kids though social media to sell minivanReuters"When I was a kid, my parents didn't ask my opinion on anything," said Kuniskis, head of FCA's car brands Chrysler, Dodge and Fiat, who wants children to influence parents on a vehicle purchase, generally the second-largest family expense, behind housing.It's A Win-Win Move For Google And Fiat Chrysler Now That The ...Tech TimesFiat Chrysler turns to kids to sell Pacifica minivan - Detroit NewsThe Detroit Newslos 27 artículos informativos »

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Un Fiat Duna se “tragó” un poste de luz - RADIO FÉNIX 95.1

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RADIO FÉNIX 95.1Un Fiat Duna se “tragó” un poste de luzRADIO FÉNIX 95.1Un Fiat Duna se “tragó” un poste de luz. Vicente Maldonado de 27 años estrelló si Fiat Duna contra un poste de alumbrado público en la intersección de las calles Almandos Almonacid y Calle Publica del Barrio Jardín Residencial. Solo tuvo escoriaciones ...

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Fiat-Chrysler and Unifor talk contracts over Thanksgiving -

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CBC.caFiat-Chrysler and Unifor talk contracts over ThanksgivingCBC.caThere is no Thanksgiving break for management and union negotiators at Fiat-Chrysler's Canadian operations. The two sides are bargaining through the long weekend in hopes of reaching a contract. Unifor has threatened job action if a deal isn't reached ...The Stocks expects to get Avg. EPS Target of…: Fiat Chrysler ...Is storiesFiat Chrysler strike looms in CanadaSeeking AlphaFCA-Unifor talks continue as strike deadline loomsThe Detroit NewsHiBusiness (blog) -Fiscal Standardlos 8 artículos informativos »

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