Land Rover BAR wins first race, then Ainslie smashes boat in start ... - Yachting World (blog)

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Yachting World (blog)Land Rover BAR wins first race, then Ainslie smashes boat in start ...Yachting World (blog)In the biggest surprise of the day Land Rover BAR came out fast to win their first race, but was in a serious pre-start collision with SoftBank Team Japan on their second race, causing damage to the British boat. The British team's high and low points ...Six things Land Rover BAR must do to win America's takes flight: how Ben Ainslie is gearing up for the race of his's Cup 2017: Sir Ben Ainslie and Great Britain endure mixed and Boating World -Royal Gazette -WorldTempus (press release)los 253 artículos informativos »

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