Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR lose two America's Cup qualifiers - The Guardian

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The GuardianBen Ainslie's Land Rover BAR lose two America's Cup qualifiersThe GuardianSir Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR, who won one out of two on Saturday, were beaten by the defending champions, Oracle Team USA, and Emirates Team New Zealand on Sunday. A big nosedive after gate three led to a 39-second defeat by the Americans.Land Rover BAR repair damage to port hull and will line up for's Cup 2017: Great Britain's Land Rover BAR suffer two ...BBC SportLand Rover BAR wins first race, then Ainslie smashes boat in start ...Yachting World (blog)The Times (subscription) -Yachting and Boating World -Sail World (press release)los 386 artículos informativos »

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